LINFINITY携手HERBRILLER线下展示 塑造可信任的商业推广模式

LINFINITY携手HERBRILLER线下展示 塑造可信任的商业推广模式

看见LINFINITY MARK就可以放心购买,是LINFINITY一直努力的前进方向。”——Anndy Lian


“这么好的产品应该走得更远。“Anndy Lian说道,”Herbriller市场价值与前景还有很大的发掘空间,,我觉得LINFINITY既然以市场化为导向来进行区块链项目的落地与推广,那么同样也可以将好产品通过区块链的方式‘链接’上更广阔的市场。这就是LINFINITY在中国举办Herbriller线下展示活动的初衷。”

LINFINITY在商业推广上拥有相当丰富的实战经验,而它又区别于传统的商业推广方式。LINFINITY的商业推广是构建在基于区块链技术可被信任的产品体系之上,而非传统商业推广的“肆意鼓吹”。只有把可信任作为一切推广形式的根基,才能使得品牌和产品向着良性的方向发展。这也是LINFINITY始终坚持的原则,所以LINFINITY会对合作企业进行多方面的实体考察,确保被纳入LINFINITY的品牌共建生态之中的品牌的优质性。“看见LINFINITY MARK就可以放心购买是LINFINITY一直努力的前进方向。”Anndy Lian说道。

LINFINITY凭借持续不断的全球性商业路演,已在日本、韩国、新加坡、泰国、中国台湾等多个国家和地区累计丰富商业资源,通过这种可信任的商业推广模式,结合上LINFINITY DApp的区块链防伪溯源技术,为加入LINFINITY商业生态的合作企业,提供全方位的品牌与渠道双重打造。







Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.

Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.

An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.

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