“Bitcoin miners cannot meet Grayscale Investments customer demand”/ “Майнеры Bitcoin не могут удовлетворить спрос клиентов Grayscale Investments”

“Bitcoin miners cannot meet Grayscale Investments customer demand”/ “Майнеры Bitcoin не могут удовлетворить спрос клиентов Grayscale Investments”

Thanks for quoting me on the article “Bitcoin miners cannot meet Grayscale Investments customer demand”/ “Майнеры Bitcoin не могут удовлетворить спрос клиентов Grayscale Investments”.

Adding on to what I have commented and quoted in this article.

“Greyscale Investments has doubled up their investment in Bitcoin. The company has bought 18.910 BTCs since 11 May 2020.

It is normal for an investment company to see the potential of Bitcoin, in fact, if they realised this earlier, the whole situation will be different.

I believe their daily investment from 607.62 BTCs to 1,112.35 Bitcoin is just the beginning. As the market builds more confidence for Bitcoin, their average daily will increase too.

Do bear in mind BTC’s supply is fixed and the demand is very strong. There may be an overflow of interest in other potential tokens too.”

Grayscale Investments is the world’s largest digital currency asset manager, with more than $2.2B in assets under management as of March 31, 2020. Grayscale’s investment products are available to institutional and individual accredited investors through their respective periodic and ongoing private placements. Grayscale’s single-asset investment products provide exposure to Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), Ethereum Classic (ETC), Horizen (ZEN), Litecoin (LTC), Stellar Lumens (XLM), XRP, and Zcash (ZEC).

Through its family of 10 investment products, Grayscale provides access and exposure to the digital currency asset class in the form of a traditional security without the challenges of buying, storing, and safekeeping digital currencies directly. With a proven track record and unrivaled experience, Grayscale’s products operate within existing regulatory frameworks, creating secure and compliant exposure for investors. For more information, please visit www.grayscale.co.

You can read the full article in Russian at https://bloomchain.ru/newsfeed/majnery-bitcoin-ne-mogut-udovletvorit-spros-so-storony-grayscale-investments/

I have translated it in English  using Google Translate:

Bitcoin miners cannot meet Grayscale Investments customer demand

Grayscale Investments, which is part of the holding of millionaire Barry Silbert , after the May halving bought more than 18 thousand Bitcoin. Analyst Kevin Rook noted that the volume of investments of the asset management company is one and a half times the number of tokens mined by miners over the specified period of time.

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According to Ruka, miners have mined about 12,337 BTC since the third halving. During the same time, Grayscale-owned regulated cryptocurrency trust – Bitcoin Trust – acquired 18,910 BTC. It turns out that the trust buys 150% of all issued tokens. Rook also noted that after the halving, the company significantly increased the volume of average daily investments – from  607.62 BTC to 1112.35 BTC.

Changpeng Zhao , head of the Binance cryptocurrency exchange , has already noticed a Tweak tweet and noted that the demand for cryptocurrency exceeds supply. However, some community members feel that this is not good. For example, investor Andy Lian noted that the actions of Grayscale will lead to the appearance of another whale on the market, which will adversely affect the entire industry.

However, the increased activity on the part of the Bitcoin Trust is another indication that institutional investors do not share the position of the financial conglomerate Goldman Sachs, which opposed investments in cryptocurrency. Note that the crypto community has reacted quite rapidly to criticism of the investment bank. Users believe that his analysts were not able to appreciate the capabilities of this class of assets.

Grayscale Investments reports that as of May 27, 2020, the company managed assets with a total value of $ 3.6 billion. Moreover, most of these assets are accounted for precisely by Bitcoin Trust. He manages assets worth $ 3.2 billion – this is approximately 345,000 BTC at the current exchange rate, or almost 2% of all Bitcoin circulating in the network.

Recall that in the first quarter of 2020, Grayscale Investments attracted more than $ 500 million under its wing – this is almost as much as the company managed to attract for the entire 2019. Most of this money was invested in her bitcoin trust.


Майнеры Bitcoin не могут удовлетворить спрос клиентов Grayscale Investments

Входящая в состав холдинга миллионера Барри Силберта компания Grayscale Investments после майского халвинга купила более 18 тыс. Bitcoin. Аналитик Кевин Рук отметил, что объем инвестиций управляющей активами компании в полтора раза превышает количество токенов, добытых майнерами на указанном отрезке времени.

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По данным Рука, с момента третьего по счету халвинга майнеры добыли порядка 12 337 BTC. За это же время принадлежащий Grayscale регулируемый криптовалютный траст — Bitcoin Trust — приобрел 18 910 BTC. Получается, что траст скупает 150% всех выпускаемых токенов. Рук также отметил, что после халвинга компания существенно нарастила объем среднесуточных инвестиций — с 607,62 BTC до 1112,35 BTC.

Чанпэн Чжао, глава криптовалютной биржи Binance, уже заметил твит Рука и отметил, что спрос на криптовалюту превышает предложение. Однако некоторые участники сообщества считают, что в этом нет ничего хорошего. Так, например, инвестор Энди Лиан отметил, что действия Grayscale приведут к появлению на рынке очередного кита, что пагубно скажется на всей индустрии.

Впрочем, возросшая активность со стороны Bitcoin Trust является еще одним свидетельством тому, что институциональные инвесторы не разделяют позицию финансового конгломерата Goldman Sachs, который выступил против вложений в криптовалюту. Отметим, что криптосообщество достаточно бурно отреагировало на критику инвестиционного банка. Пользователи считают, что его аналитики не смогли по достоинству оценить возможности этого класса активов.

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Grayscale Investments сообщает, что по состоянию на 27 мая 2020 года под управлением компании находились активы общей стоимостью $3,6 млрд. Причем большая часть этих активов приходится именно на Bitcoin Trust. Он управляет активами стоимостью $3,2 млрд — это примерно 345 000 BTC по текущему курсу, или практически 2% всех Bitcoin, циркулирующих в сети.

Напомним, в первом квартале 2020 года Grayscale Investments привлекла под свое крыло более $500 млн — это практически столько же, сколько компании удалось привлечь за весь 2019 год. Большая часть этих денег была вложена в ее bitcoin-траст.

Screen captured the articles too.

Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.

Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.

An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.

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