Thanks İlkyaz Taşdemir, editor of Koin Bülteni for taking in my comments on my observations for Bitcoin.
“Anndy Lian , who works in the field of blockchain , is also one of those waiting for dump. Lian explained that Bitcoin whales are transferring money to various exchanges, so a dump scenario can be seen in the short term. However, he said that the BTC price could go down as well.”
#Bitcoin whales are placing their $BTC to various exchanges. Probably quick dump; May see a decrease in price.
— Anndy Lian #Blockchain #Crypto #Singapore (@anndylian) November 27, 2020
Original article in Turkish:
Ki Young: Bitcoin Balinaları Harekete Geçti, Dump Gelebilir
CryptoQuant CEO’su, Bitcoin balinalarının harekete geçtiğini söyledi ve yakında dump gelebilme ihtimaline karşı yatırımcıları uyardı. CEO’ya göre dump, kısa vadede gerçekleşebilir.
CryptoQuant CEO’su Ki Young Ju, yeni Bitcoin yorumuyla yatırımcıları dump konusunda uyardı. Tavsiye dışı olarak analizlerini aktaran CEO, Bitcoin balinalarının borsalara yüklü miktarda para aktardığını gösterdi. Paylaştığı grafikteki kırmızı danger zone‘a dikkat çeken Ki Young, kısa vadede dump geleceğine inandığını belirtti.
“All Exchanges Inflow Mean (144-block MA / Tüm borsalara yapılan giriş akışının ortalaması) 2 BTC’yi geçti. Sanırım tehlikeli bir bölgedeyiz. Balinalar borsalarda aktif olduğunda fiyat muhtemelen yatay seyredecek veya düşecektir.”
26 Kasım tarihinde de All Exchanges Inflow Mean’i (144-block MA) paylaşarak düzeltme beklediğini söyleyen CEO, şunları söylemişti:
“Bitcoin’e daha fazla düzeltme gelebilir. All Exchanges Inflow Mean hala yüksek. BTC, Aralık ayına kadar 20 bin doları kıracaktır.”
Balinalar altcoin alıyor olabilir mi?
Bitcoin maksimalisti ve melek yatırımcı WhalePanda, Ki Young’un açıklamasına farklı bir bakış açısı getirdi. WhalePanda, balinalar için “Belki de altcoin alıyorlardır.” yorumunda bulundu.
John Cho isimli bir kullanıcı da WhalePanda gibi altcoin konusuna değinerek bir yorum getirdi. Cho, balinaların altcoinlere yönelmiş olabileceğini öne sürerek “Sanırım altcoinlerde satış yapmak istiyorlar.” dedi.
Blockchain alanında çalışmaları bulunan Anndy Lian da dump bekleyenlerden. Lian, Bitcoin balinalarının çeşitli borsalara para transfer ettiğini, bu nedenle kısa vadede bir dump senaryosu görülebileceğini açıkladı. Bununla birlikte, BTC fiyatının da düşüşe geçebileceğini söyledi.
Translated from Turkish into English:
Ki Young: Bitcoin Whales Take Action, Dump May Come
The CryptoQuant CEO said Bitcoin whales are on the move and warned investors of the possibility of a dump soon . According to the CEO, dump can happen in the short term.
CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju has warned investors of dumping with his new Bitcoin comment . Transferring his analysis without advice, the CEO showed that Bitcoin whales are transferring large amounts of money to the stock markets. Drawing attention to the red danger zone in the graphic he shared , Ki Young stated that he believes dump will come in the short term.
“ All Exchanges Inflow Mean (144-block MA / Average of inflow to all exchanges) exceeded 2 BTC. I think we are in a dangerous area. When the whales are active on the stock market, the price will likely go sideways or drop.
Stating that he is waiting for a correction by sharing All Exchanges Inflow Mean (144-block MA) on November 26, the CEO said:
“More corrections may come to Bitcoin. All Exchanges Inflow Mean is still high. BTC will break $ 20,000 by December. ”
Could whales be buying altcoins?
Bitcoin maximalist and angel investor WhalePanda brought a different perspective to Ki Young’s statement. WhalePanda says for the whales, “ Maybe they are buying altcoins. He commented .
A user named John Cho also made a comment by mentioning the subject of altcoin like WhalePanda. “ I think they want to sell in altcoins, ” Cho said, suggesting that the whales may have turned to altcoins. ” He said .
Anndy Lian , who works in the field of blockchain , is also one of those waiting for dump. Lian explained that Bitcoin whales are transferring money to various exchanges, so a dump scenario can be seen in the short term. However, he said that the BTC price could go down as well.
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Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.
Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.
An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.