NFT 2023 SEOUL – The Future of Art in the Digital Age

NFT 2023 SEOUL – The Future of Art in the Digital Age

NFT 2023 SEOUL is a dynamic and forward-thinking event that dives deep into the convergence of art and technology in the digital age. With a lineup of expert speakers covering a wide range of topics, the event explores how NFTs, generative AI, blockchain, and decentralized technologies are reshaping the art landscape.

From discussions on the transformative power of AI-generated art to insights into decentralized curation and the fusion of physical and digital art forms, attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the evolving art world. The event also highlights the role of NFTs in media and other industries, showcasing their influence beyond traditional art realms.

Thoughts on the Evolution of Art in the Age of Generative AI, NFT, and other Digital Technologies – 차인혁: Explore the transformative impact of generative AI, NFTs, and digital technologies on the world of art.

The following are the key speakers for Part 2:

ART & TECHNOLOGY & Community – Mariko Nishimura: Delve into the dynamic relationship between art, technology, and the influential role of communities in shaping the art landscape.

Creative collaboration, co-creation, and decentralized curation – Aleksandra: Discover how decentralized curation and collaborative approaches are redefining the art world in the context of NFTs.

Decentralized Dreams: The Journey of NFTs in the Age of AI and Web3 – Anndy Lian: Trace the exciting journey of NFTs within the realms of AI and Web3, exploring their potential and impact.

Blockchain as a new medium for ART + Coding ART – Nori: Dive into the technical aspects of utilizing blockchain as an artistic medium, where coding meets artistry to create innovative works.

Legitimate / Physital- NFT 기술 실제적 융합 – Calvin: Explore the practical integration of NFT technology in art, addressing authenticity concerns and the fusion of physical and digital art forms.

Web3 Art NFT Platform – – 정창희: Showcase the capabilities of the NFT platform within the Web3 ecosystem, shedding light on tools available for artists and collectors.

NFT NOW: Future of media and beyond – Alejandro Navia: Gain insights into how NFTs are shaping the future of media and extending their influence across diverse industries beyond traditional art.

This event promises a comprehensive exploration of NFTs, generative AI, blockchain, and their profound impact on the evolving world of art and digital expression.

Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.

Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.

An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.

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Consequences and Impacts of Blockchain Based Databases on Efficiency and Service Delivery | Turkey

Consequences and Impacts of Blockchain Based Databases on Efficiency and Service Delivery | Turkey

Blockchain technology has been a topic of great interest and discussion across various industries. Its potential to revolutionize efficiency and service delivery has captured the attention of many experts and professionals. In this article, we will explore some intriguing case studies and delve into the impact of blockchain databases on various sectors, highlighting the benefits it can offer in terms of streamlining processes and enhancing overall efficiency.

The Potential of Blockchain Technology
Blockchain technology, often associated with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, is a decentralized and immutable digital ledger. It offers a secure and transparent way of recording transactions, making it ideal for various applications beyond cryptocurrencies. The main keyword for this article, “blockchain technology,” will be emphasized to enhance its SEO-friendly aspect.

Blockchain’s Impact on Efficiency and Service Delivery
When it comes to efficiency and service delivery, blockchain technology holds immense potential. Let’s explore some case studies that exemplify how blockchain has transformed processes in different sectors:

Case Study 1: Smart Incorporation with Blockchain in Delaware
In this case study, the US state of Delaware is in the early stages of developing incorporation services on a blockchain-based smart contract system, replacing traditional paper-based processes. This digital approach streamlines the incorporation process, from filing documentation to legal structure, issuing shares, and conducting annual general meetings. By leveraging blockchain technology, the entire process becomes more efficient, reducing the time taken and eliminating manual interventions.

Case Study 2: Venezuela’s Petrol – The First Digital Currency
Venezuela took a groundbreaking step by introducing “petrol,” its digital currency, backed by its vast oil reserves. This move aimed to combat economic challenges, hyperinflation, and depreciation of the national currency. By employing blockchain technology to support the digital currency, Venezuela has enhanced the security and traceability of financial transactions. This has instilled confidence in the platform and stabilized the economy, paving the way for further innovations.

Case Study 3: E-Voting in Denmark
Denmark embraced blockchain technology to revolutionize its electoral process. By using blockchain for e-voting, Denmark introduced a transparent and tamper-proof system that ensures accurate voting results. This move fosters inclusiveness and accessibility, encouraging citizens to actively participate in the democratic process. The implementation aligns with the nation’s commitment to digital innovation and enhances the overall integrity of the election framework.

The Key to Success: Probing, Prioritizing, and Partnering
To harness the full potential of blockchain technology, governments and organizations must adopt a systematic approach:

Probing: Set up a dedicated team to review potential use cases for blockchain technology. The team should assess processes that can benefit from blockchain implementation and focus on areas where immediate and meaningful results can be achieved.

Prioritizing: Identify use cases with the greatest potential for positive impact and prioritize them for implementation. Start with smaller pilot trials to assess the feasibility and benefits before embarking on more extensive projects.

Partnering: Collaboration with the right technology partners is crucial. Seek partners who can provide expertise in blockchain development, technical standards, integration, and collaboration. This will ensure a comprehensive and successful blockchain implementation.

Embracing the Future
In conclusion, blockchain technology holds enormous potential to reshape efficiency and service delivery across various sectors. As we continue to explore and innovate with this technology, we must approach it with a strategic mindset, focusing on meaningful implementations and fostering collaboration between public and private sectors. By doing so, we can unlock the true potential of blockchain and drive positive change for our economies and societies.

This video is part of a consultation session on “Technical Expert Service on Improvement of Public Sector Efficiency Using Blockchain-based Database” by Anndy Lian. The implementing organizations include the Ministry of Industry and Technology of Turkiye and the Asian Productivity Organization. The event was held in Ankara and Bolu, Turkiye, from 4–7 July 2023.

Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.

Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.

An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.

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Panel Discussion: How to survive and strive in Web3?

Panel Discussion: How to survive and strive in Web3?

Web3 refers to the third generation of the World Wide Web, which focuses on decentralized technologies such as blockchain and peer-to-peer networks. Web3 technologies have the potential to disrupt traditional centralized models and enable greater user control, privacy, and security.

There are a few reasons why Web3 is gaining popularity:

Decentralization: Web3 technologies are decentralized, meaning they are not controlled by a single entity or organization. This can give users greater control over their data and assets and reduce the risk of censorship or interference.

Security: Web3 technologies are designed to be more secure than their centralized counterparts. For example, blockchain networks are secured through cryptographic techniques, making them resistant to tampering and fraud.

Privacy: Web3 technologies can help preserve user privacy by allowing individuals to control their own data and assets rather than relying on a third party.

Interoperability: Web3 technologies are designed to be interoperable, meaning they can work together and exchange data seamlessly. This can enable the development of new and innovative applications and services.

The popularity of Web3 technologies is driven by the potential for greater control, security, privacy, and interoperability in the digital world.

But does the wider audience in the crypto space think the same? How do we survive and strive in the Web3 environment? This topic is covered by a panel of experts at Twitter Spaces on 30th Dec 2022 at 21:00 SGT.

Hosted by Blockcast ( and
Co-Hosted: Bybit NFT ( and Bybit Web3 (

It was moderated by Scott Tripp, Marketing Lead of

With the following guests discussing the Web3 topic:
– Allan, Head of Operation, Moledao (
– Anndy Lian, Book Author, NFT: From Zero to Hero (
– Grace, CMO of TwitterScan
– Jenny Zheng, BD Lead of Bybit NFT (
– Yoka, Secretary General of ABGA

In conclusion, here are a few tips that might help you survive and thrive in the Web3 ecosystem:

Keep learning: The Web3 ecosystem is constantly evolving, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest developments. This can be done through online courses, attending conferences, and following industry leaders on social media.

Network: The Web3 ecosystem is still small and tight-knit, so networking with other professionals can be incredibly valuable. Join online communities, attend meetups, and participate in hackathons to meet others in the industry.

Focus on a specific area: While it’s important to have a broad understanding of the Web3 ecosystem, it can also be helpful to focus on a specific area and become an expert in that field. This could be a particular protocol, platform, or application.

Experiment: The Web3 ecosystem is still in its early stages, so there is much room for experimentation and innovation. Don’t be afraid to try new ideas and approaches, and be open to learning from your failures.

Stay positive: The Web3 ecosystem is full of challenges and setbacks, so staying positive and maintaining a growth mindset is essential. Keep an open mind and remain resilient, and you’ll be well-equipped to handle whatever comes your way.

Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.

Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.

An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.

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