WEEX Global贊助台北區塊鏈周 支持更多全球用戶Onboard Web3

WEEX Global贊助台北區塊鏈周 支持更多全球用戶Onboard Web3

第三屆台北區塊鏈周(Taipei Blockchain Week, TBW)於 12 月 12-14 日在台北松山文創園區盛大開啟,此次活動匯聚超過 200 位全球 Web3 參與者、網紅來台,吸引了超過 6,000 名觀眾參加。本屆台北區塊鏈周以「Onboard」為主題,核心議題緊扣區塊鏈如何透過技術創新推動市場發展,涵蓋去中心化基礎設施、Web3 遊戲、實體資產(RWAs)、錢包創新及比特幣應用等多個熱門話題,探討區塊鏈行業的最新技術與未來趨勢,引領 Web3 新潮流。

WEEX Global 贊助並參加了本屆台北區塊鏈周,其位於 3 號倉庫的展位吸引了超過 1,000 名 Web3 同仁前來咨詢交流。此外,在台北區塊鏈周正式開幕前夕,12 月 9 日,WEEX 還舉辦了「WEEX VIP Night in Taipei」周邊活動,為 TBW 正式活動預熱。

這是 WEEX 唯客交易所首次贊助和參加台灣大型 Web3 線下活動。 WEEX 作為一家全球領先的加密貨幣交易平台,旨在融入台灣 Web3 發展潮流,並以自身 500 多萬全球用戶為紐帶,與台灣本土的 Web3 創業者、網紅和使用者建立更多聯繫與合作,共同推動台灣的區塊鏈和 Web3 產業蓬勃發展。

WEEX 以真實體驗贏得用戶信任

台北區塊鏈周期間,WEEX 展位吸引了超過 1,000 名加密貨幣愛好者前來咨詢和交流,WEEX Global 副總裁 Andrew Weiner 及其他團隊夥伴熱情接待,與來訪嘉賓共同探討對 Web3 行業趨勢的見解,分享加密市場動態,並介紹了 WEEX 在全球的發展現況,WEEX 透過 WEEX Token (WXT) 激勵和綁定更多合作夥伴、擴展全球生態系統的目標。

來訪嘉賓們紛紛對 WEEX 的發展成就表示祝賀,對 WEEX 安全合規、以用戶為中心的運營理念和優異的用戶體驗表示讚賞,並對加入 WEEX 全球生態展現出濃厚興趣。 WEEX 也為來訪嘉賓們送出了精美周邊和紀念品,希望和所有加密領域的參與者保持長期交流與合作。

12 月 13 日(TBW Day 2),WEEX Global 副總裁 Andrew Weiner 與 Hype 行銷長 Emily Lai(主持人)、Anndy.com 政府間區塊鏈顧問 Anndy Lian、Retail DAO 零售市場推廣 Full Value Dan 共同參與了主題為「如何透過網紅和內容讓更多人進入 Web3」的圓桌對話。

Andrew 表示,網紅/KOL 行銷中最大的錯誤就是花錢讓人說產品好,但實際上產品並不好。現今消費者注重透明度,他們想看到真實的數據和體驗,並學會如何使用它來解決問題,而不是被銷售話術包裝,人們希望看到產品的實際功能。因此,Andrew 認為,網紅行銷應該更加注重真實性和內容的價值,最好的策略是讓網紅真正使用產品,並展示產品的優缺點,而不是過度美化它。這需要建立長期的信任,而不是短期的曝光。

同理,在社區建設方面,Andrew 認為,必須建立一個真實的生態系統,讓用戶能夠實際參與並看到價值。短期的炒作雖然能帶來關注,但長期的成功還是依靠真實用戶的支持。

Andrew 的觀點也體現了 WEEX 唯客交易所公開透明、專注於提升用戶滿意度的運營理念。基於這一理念,WEEX 與超過 10,000 名明星交易員和 2,000 多名全球網紅建立了合作夥伴關系,並贏得了來自全球 30 多個國家和地區超過 500 萬加密貨幣用戶的信賴。

當主持人問及市場競爭策略時,Andrew 表示,「我們的重點是專注於為那些真正需要我們服務的人提供價值。要確保我們能滿足不同國家和地區的用戶需求,尤其是那些尚未被充分服務的市場。」

來自英語市場的 Andrew 還讚賞了亞洲地區對加密貨幣開放、包容的態度。他指出,在西方,加密貨幣一直受到傳統媒體的質疑,但最近開始有了轉變,人們開始意識到他們需要學習和了解這些產品,才能有效參與市場。而亞洲市場則不同,這裡的消費者對新技術接受度更高,尤其是在去中心化交易所領域,亞洲的使用者更加積極參與並支持這些項目。

當然,Web3 天然跨境,並無國界、地區之分。而 WEEX 作為一家全球領先的 CEX 平台,一直發揮著連接東西方 Web3、銜接先發市場技術、項目與新興市場用戶的紐帶作用,與其生態夥伴共同推動全球 Web3 行業發展繁榮。

除了贊助和參加台北區塊鏈周,WEEX 還於 12 月 9 日舉辦了「WEEX VIP Night in Taipei」周邊活動,邀請了超過 100 名熱愛 Web3 生態、有影響力的大咖、區塊鏈領域創業者及產業先鋒出席,通過深度對話、輕鬆社交和有趣的遊戲互動,提供了一個開放的交流平台,為參會者創造建立聯系與交流的機會,同時為台北區塊鏈周奠定了積極的基調,凝聚行業對加密市場未來發展的熱情和共識。

WEEX 在全球市場持續擴張

實際上,WEEX 交易所與台灣結緣已久。早在 2022 年,WEEX 就與來自台灣的亞洲綜藝天王吳宗憲開展了代言合作。也是從那時起,WEEX 在全球的用戶規模、交易量、行業排名等突飛猛進,成為在加密寒冬中逆勢增長的黑馬平台。

2024 年,隨著加密市場進入新一輪牛市周期,WEEX 也經過前期的用戶和口碑累積、產品持續迭代,迎來全新發展里程碑,其全球化步伐也進一步加快。

12 月初,WEEX 正式宣布與足球傳奇球星 Michael Owen(麥可·歐文)達成代言合作,將新興的加密貨幣與頂級體育精神完美融合,為行業帶來全新突破與可能性。

Michael Owen 以閃電般的速度和精準無比的射門聞名於世,更憑藉卓越的職業生涯成為無數球迷心中的偶像。從斬獲 2001 年金球獎,到兩度榮膺英超金靴獎,再到在皇馬單賽季攻入 16 球,他不僅是球場上的傳奇,更是利物浦多次問鼎國內外賽事的功臣。他的每一步,都在足球史上留下了濃墨重彩的一筆。

Michael Owen 所代表的卓越精神和不懈追求,與 WEEX 不斷突破和勇攀高峰的精神不謀而合。

自 2018 年成立以來,WEEX 始終以為用戶提供安全極致的交易體驗為核心,不斷邁向新的高峰:2019 年獲得首筆 1 億美元投資;2021 年實現多地市場的本地合規化;2022 年日交易額突破 50 億美元,用戶規模突破 50 萬;2023 年獲得韓國數字營銷巨頭 FSN 集團的戰略投資。

截至目前,WEEX 全球註冊用戶超過 500 萬,日均交易量超 400 億美元,長期位居全球衍生品交易所排名前五和現貨交易所前 20。WEEX 支持近 600 個現貨幣對和 600 多個合約幣對,是全網上幣數量最多的交易所之一,成為很多新興項目的 CEX 首發平台,並首發上線眾多熱門新幣的合約交易,為用戶提供豐富的交易品種選擇。

WEEX 以交易深度見長,為專業交易者提供絲滑、極致的交易體驗,通過跟單交易降低合約新手的交易門檻,設立 1,000 BTC 保護基金讓用戶交易安心無憂,並通過 WXT 動態激勵機制與社區共享發展紅利。WEEX 也是手續最低的平台之一,再加上向 WXT 持有者提供手續費折扣、不定期的體驗金發放等,進一步降低用戶綜合交易成本。

⽤戶和合作夥伴是 WEEX 高速增長的基⽯。為此,WEEX 通過推出平台幣 WXT,重申其對不斷增長的⽤戶和夥伴的承諾。WXT 自 2024 年 7 月上線以來,累積漲幅已超過 80%。截至目前,WEEX 已通過 WE-Launch 向 WXT 持有者累計空投了 40 多個新項目代幣;開展 7 期「陽光普照」獎勵活動,累計空投 9 萬 USDT 和 11 萬 USDT 體驗金;連續 3 日持倉滿 100,000 WXT 的用戶還可享受合約手續費 5 折優惠。多種持幣權益疊加,持续兌現用户承諾。

除了贊助本次台北區塊鏈周,2024 年,WEEX 先後贊助或參加了奧斯汀 Consensus 2024 大會、香港 FORESIGHT 2024 年度峰會、加拿大 Blockchain Futurist ConferenceTOKEN2049 SingaporeCCCC 2024 Dubai 等行業盛會,並與 Top10 的加密貨幣 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 生態達成戰略合作,融合東西方 Web3,持續拓展全球戰略版圖。


Source: https://blog.weex.com/weex_news/weex-taipei-blockchain-week



Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.

Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.

An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.

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EXCLUSIVE: Spot Ethereum ETF Could Unlock ‘Full-Scale, Global Adoption,’ Experts Tell Benzinga

EXCLUSIVE: Spot Ethereum ETF Could Unlock ‘Full-Scale, Global Adoption,’ Experts Tell Benzinga

Investors were initially curious about Spot Ethereum Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). However, after the approval of Bitcoin ETFs, these have now captured their full attention.

Benzinga gathered exclusive commentary from several experts to gauge the prospects for a spot Ethereum ETF approval this summer.


What Is The Current Status Of Spot Ethereum ETFs?

Tom Staudt, president and COO of ARK Invest, recently expressed confidence in the progression of Ethereum ETFs.

He cited the maturing dialogue with regulators and the sophistication of conversations surrounding the ETF, saying, “This is not the same place where we were on the timeline with Bitcoin at this stage.”

Staudt notes that potential issuers now possess greater legal, operational, and philosophical expertise, partly due to the successful approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs.

But skeptics warn of regulatory roadblocks and lingering doubts about Ethereum’s classification as a security. At the heart of the debate lies, once again, the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Will The SEC Play Ball?

Anndy Lian, an intergovernmental blockchain advisor, tells Benzinga that the SEC should act in the “best interest of the public and the crypto industry” by making a “timely and positive decision” on Spot ETH ETFs.

His comments highlight the widespread anticipation surrounding the potential ETF’s arrival, with both retail investors and institutional giants eager to gain exposure to the world’s second-largest cryptocurrency.

But the SEC had to be “dragged kicking and screaming” to approve one spot cryptocurrency ETF, he adds, and there is no guarantee a second one would be any easier.


Ethereum ETFs Could Spur “Full-Scale, Global Adoption”

The case for Ethereum is simple, according to Stijn Paumen, the founder of Helio.

He paints a vivid picture of a future transformed by Ethereum’s mainstream adoption. The ETF approval would be a catalyst for “full-scale, global adoption of cryptocurrency.”

Everyday purchases, from your morning coffee to online shopping sprees, could be made with a simple tap of your crypto wallet.
His infectious enthusiasm captures the transformative potential of blockchain technology and its ability to disrupt traditional financial systems.


Even Bitcoiners Think It’s Coming

Terrence Yang, managing director at Swan Bitcoin, acknowledges the inevitability of an ETH ETF, albeit somewhat grudgingly.

He concedes that legal precedents and the SEC’s recent Bitcoin approvals have tilted the scales in favor of Ethereum.

Indeed, as Decrypt reported, analysts agree that Bitcoin’s approval has set a precedent: Grayscale argued in court – and won – that the SEC could not approve a futures ETF and reject a spot ETF. Since futures Ethereum ETFs have already been approved, logic holds that a spot ETF would have to follow – as it did for Bitcoin.


So…When Ethereum ETF?

Chris Martin, head of research at Amberdata, a crypto data analytics firm, says an Ethereum ETF should come sooner rather than later.

Issuers will face two major challenges at the SEC:

  1. The SEC doesn’t have the public pressure it did for the Bitcoin ETF which means, they can take their time and don’t have to worry about passing all of the issuers at once
  2. The SEC is still pushing the security vs commodity stance without any clarity.

“Approving an Ethereum ETF may impact their current cases against Coinbase Inc  and Binance, and may push them closer to defining their stance on cryptocurrencies,” he says.

Prediction markets agree, with Polymarket rating the probability of an approval by May 31 only at 54%.

Should the SEC grant its blessing, the implications for the financial landscape could be profound. Mass adoption may come a step closer after all.









What is the current status of Spot Ethereum ETFs, and how does it compare to the timeline of Bitcoin ETFs?

According to Tom Staudt, president and COO of ARK Invest, there is growing confidence in the progression of Ethereum ETFs. Staudt points to a maturing dialogue with regulators and increased expertise among potential issuers, influenced by the successful approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs. However, skeptics highlight potential regulatory roadblocks and uncertainties about Ethereum's classification.

How does Anndy Lian, an intergovernmental blockchain advisor, view the SEC's role in the approval of Spot ETH ETFs?

How do Bitcoiners, represented by Terrence Yang, view the inevitability of an ETH ETF?

Terrence Yang, managing director at Swan Bitcoin, acknowledges the inevitability of an ETH ETF, influenced by legal precedents and the SEC's recent approvals for Bitcoin. Despite some reluctance, Yang concedes that the scales are tilting in favor of Ethereum, especially considering the precedent set by Grayscale's court argument and victory.

Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.

Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.

An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.

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India’s Digital Economy: Modi’s Call for Global Crypto Regulation and Ethical AI

India’s Digital Economy: Modi’s Call for Global Crypto Regulation and Ethical AI

When we contemplate the words “cryptocurrencies” and “artificial intelligence,” a myriad of thoughts and emotions may rush into our minds. These terms are emblematic of innovation and opportunity for some while evoking risk and uncertainty for others. They beckon visions of the future, where our lives are transformed by technology, but they also cast shadows of doubt and concern. These questions have gained renewed significance as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his capacity as the G20 president, calls for a global framework to regulate these transformative technologies and ensure their responsible and beneficial utilization.

Cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence (AI) are two of our era’s most disruptive forces. They possess the potential to revolutionize industries, introduce fresh opportunities, and address previously insurmountable challenges. However, they also bring significant risks and uncertainties, including price volatility, illicit activities, environmental concerns, ethical dilemmas, and societal implications. As such, we must establish a comprehensive global framework to oversee these technologies and steer them toward responsible and advantageous outcomes.

This article will examine the compelling arguments and initiatives of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has championed the cause of global regulation for cryptocurrencies and ethical AI. His endeavors align with India’s own stance on cryptocurrency regulations, which saw the introduction of a 30% tax on crypto gains in 2022. Moreover, Modi’s vision reflects India’s burgeoning prominence in AI, where the nation ranks fourth globally in terms of AI talent.

Cryptocurrency Regulation: A Global Imperative

Prime Minister Modi made these pivotal declarations during the 2023 B20 Summit, underscoring the necessity of international rules for cryptocurrencies due to their far-reaching impact. He likened this call for regulation to the standardized controls in the aviation industry, a sector vital for global connectivity and safety. Emphasizing the importance of safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders, particularly those in developing and emerging economies, Modi underscored the need to harness the potential of these technologies judiciously.

India has been actively engaged in international discussions on cryptocurrency regulation, capitalizing on its role as the G20 presidency for 2023. The nation has released a presidency note, outlining its recommendations for a global framework for crypto assets, grounded in the guidelines issued by prominent bodies such as the Financial Stability Board (FSB), the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This note also highlights the imperative to address cryptocurrencies’ macroeconomic challenges, such as price volatility, involvement in illicit activities, and environmental ramifications.

India’s proactive stance on cryptocurrency regulation is commendable, underlining its astuteness in recognizing the opportunities and risks of these technologies. India is home to a burgeoning cryptocurrency market, boasting over 15 million users and facilitating transactions exceeding $6.6 billion in value. The nation also nurtures a vibrant and innovative cryptocurrency ecosystem, boasting over 300 startups and 10 unicorns. Nevertheless, India confronts intricate legal and regulatory issues concerning cryptocurrencies, including their legal status, tax treatment, know-your-customer (KYC) norms, consumer protection, and cybersecurity.

Hence, India faces the delicate task of balancing its domestic interests with its global obligations. The nation must craft a regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies that is lucid and coherent, one that propels innovation and economic growth while ensuring adherence and accountability. India also must collaborate harmoniously with other nations to establish a unified set of standards and rules for cryptocurrencies, fostering trust and stability while respecting the diversity and sovereignty of individual nations.

Ethical AI: Charting a Responsible Path

Prime Minister Modi also accentuated the significance of embracing swift technological advancements while preserving the interests of all stakeholders. India’s growing prominence in the AI domain, ranking fourth globally in AI talent, positions it as a pivotal participant in shaping worldwide discussions on ethical AI and emerging technologies. Modi asserted that AI possesses the potential to revolutionize various sectors, including agriculture, healthcare, education, and manufacturing. Concurrently, he called for meticulous attention to its ethical deployment, recognizing the ethical dimensions linked to human values, rights, and responsibilities.

India has undertaken various initiatives to foster responsible AI, such as the National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence and the Responsible AI for Social Empowerment Summit. The nation has also entered into collaborative ventures with other countries to advance AI research and innovation, exemplified by the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) and the Indo-French Centre for Applied Mathematics (IFCAM). India has further harnessed AI applications for social causes, including disaster management, wildlife conservation, and women’s empowerment.

India’s proactive stance on ethical AI is indeed admirable, serving as a testament to its commitment to contributing to the global dialogue on AI governance and ethics. India has immense potential to leverage AI for the greater good, thanks to its population of 1.3 billion people, many of whom grapple with enduring challenges such as poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition, and disease. The nation’s rich and diverse cultural tapestry equips it to offer invaluable insights and perspectives on AI ethics and values.
As a consequence, India is confronted with the arduous task of balancing its technological aspirations with its social responsibilities. India must construct a robust and inclusive AI ecosystem that nurtures innovation and excellence while ensuring equity and justice for all. Moreover, India must harmonize its efforts with other nations to formulate a universal framework for ethical AI, one that respects human dignity and rights, while advancing human development and well-being.

India’s Vision: Leadership in the Digital Economy

Prime Minister Modi’s call for global cryptocurrency regulation and ethical AI encapsulates India’s overarching vision of ascending to a leadership role in the digital economy and innovation sphere. His pronouncements underscore India’s willingness to collaborate with other nations to shape these nascent technologies’ destiny. India, given its unique circumstances, bears both an unparalleled opportunity and a profound responsibility to occupy a pivotal role in shaping the global governance and ethics surrounding cryptocurrencies and AI. India should seize this moment and fulfill its mandate, as this endeavor will not only redound to its benefit but will also be a boon to the entire world.

Ending Remarks

In a world perpetually navigating the crossroads of innovation and responsibility, the clarion call by Indian Prime Minister Modi for global cryptocurrency regulation and ethical AI resonates as a beacon of foresight and prudence. As we stand on the precipice of a digital revolution, with cryptocurrencies and AI as the vanguards of change, Modi’s vision compels us to ponder our collective destiny.

Cryptocurrencies, with their tantalizing promises of financial inclusion and empowerment, and AI, with its boundless potential to augment human capabilities, beckon us forward. Yet, they also beckon us to consider the road we choose to traverse. Will we embrace these technologies with reckless abandon, stumbling into the abyss of unchecked consequences? Or will we heed the wisdom of international cooperation, shared values, and ethical compasses that ensure our journey is one of progress, equity, and shared prosperity?

The answer lies not only with India but with all nations, stakeholders, and individuals. We are at a pivotal juncture, and the choices we make today will reverberate through generations. Modi’s call is a reminder that leadership in the digital economy entails not just innovation, but a profound commitment to the greater good. As we contemplate the future of cryptocurrencies and AI, let us not forget the fundamental question: What kind of world do we want to create?


Source: https://in.investing.com/analysis/indias-digital-economy-modis-call-for-global-crypto-regulation-and-ethical-ai-200599314


Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.

Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.

An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.

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