区块链教父Alexander Shulgin谈“为什么他看好区块链,游戏化和Gaimin.io”

区块链教父Alexander Shulgin谈“为什么他看好区块链,游戏化和Gaimin.io”

Blockcast.cc:Hi Alexander,你好,Blockcast.cc的联合创始人Jenny Zheng首先,非常感谢你接受接受我们的采访。

Alexander Shulgin是一位非常有远见的投资人,在风险投资领域拥有傲人的战绩。为了更好地进行此次访谈,我们也同时邀请了Blockcast的老朋友 未来主义者,《 2030年区块链革命》(Blockchain Revolution 2030)的作者Anndy Lian来一起畅谈行业前景。

AS:Blockcast.cc的各位读者大家好,Jenny 你好,也感谢你的采访。

Anndy Lian: Hi Alexander, Hi Jenny, Blockcast.cc读者朋友们大家好!

Alexander是一个有非常远见的人,而且有超过15年的投资和风险投资经验,有人为“成功地将创意作品与商业结合起来的独特的俄罗斯作曲家”。目前管理GRUPPA KOMPANIY FAMILIA公司专门从事区块链,媒体,出版和娱乐领域的投资和风险投资。同时他也是全球知名咨询公司5大陆咨询集团(The 5 Continent Consulting Group ) 的创始人,该集团专门从事IT,生物技术,数字医疗保健和财务管理领域的研究。此外,还建立了Rasia Capital –一个专注于亚洲的投资机构,他还投资了一些区块链基础设施,以及电子竞技和混合现实项目




我和Alexander通过Gaimin.io这个项目认识的这里补充一下: Gaimin是一家专注于区块链和游戏产业的平台。那么当初次听到他们的理念时是什么看法呢?你怎么看游戏和区块链的结合?













几个月前,我与欧洲电信执行委员会成员Claudia Nemat进行了交谈。我们谈到了欧盟必须了解未来自身对计算能力的需求量以及整个数字市场对计算能力的需求量。这是一个巨大的(需求)水平,或许比现在高100倍。我问她欧盟将在哪里找到这些增量,她没有回答……可能她很困惑,因为这对欧盟来说是个难题。因为对能源,尤其是对绿色能源的巨大需求,需要一种全新的解决方案。Gaimin这样的平台就可以通过个人计算机剩余算力共享的方式社会需求提供一些增量。当然,这不是一个完整的解决方案,所以我们需要更多这样的平台/个人参与进来



而且未来人们对于数据隐私的态度可能也会发生很大变化。加拿大著名哲学家Marshall McLuhan就曾说过有了全球互联网,我们就像一个地球村。 意思就是,就像古老的村庄里,我们都是一个大家庭的一分子,没有什么可隐瞒的,也无法隐藏。数字时代的年轻一代,以及之后的一代,他们可能将只有极少数据是私有的。为了更高的效率更好的效果,数据将会自由开放的,社会也是自由开放的










Blockcast.cc: 我之前听Martin (GaiminCEO) 讲过这么一个案例,我想可以帮助大家去理解游戏化。之前有个城市的地铁就采用了钢琴键盘楼梯的方式,改变了乘客们的运动方式。在装这个钢琴楼梯之前,几乎所有的人都选择乘电梯,而之后则变成了大部分人选择走楼梯。游戏化就是这么轻易地改变了人们的行为方式,而且还使人们可以轻松接受甚至享受其中。






AS:我会选: HappyTech, HappyTech,HappyTech,HappyTech。简单解释下,就是任何能使人高兴的技术。


AS: 2年前,我在香港发表了关于HappyTech的TED演讲。这是我第一次在媒体采访中提到这个理念,Blockcast 应该会第一个发布该领域新闻的媒体。

Anndy:投资Happy Tech是出于对它的热爱还是为了钱?






“当诺亚建造方舟时是没有下雨的。” 它激励着我,激励着我去思考,我们要顺应大势,在没有雨的时候去建造我们的方舟,当然也要时刻提前为下的状况做好准备要看清当下,清楚接下来会发生什么。需要看到自己的未来一步,十步,甚至一百步。

Blockcast.cc:Alexander, 非常感谢你的时间!感谢你为我们带来的分享和启发,希望能够在不久的将来再次与你相聚也感谢Anndy的协助!



原始资料: https://blockcast.cc/interviews/区块链教父alexander-shulgin谈为什么他看好区块链,游戏化/

公司: Blockcast.cc
联系人: Jenny Zheng
职位: 编辑部
电话: +65 9883 27007
邮件: contact@blockcast.cc
官网: www.blockcast.cc

位置: 新加坡

Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.

Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.

An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.

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The Godfather of Blockchain Alexander Shulgin on ‘Why he is Bullish on Blockchain, Gamification & Gaimin.io’

The Godfather of Blockchain Alexander Shulgin on ‘Why he is Bullish on Blockchain, Gamification & Gaimin.io’

Blockcast.cc: My name is Jenny Zheng, co-founder of Blockcast.cc. This week, we have the honour to invite Alexander Shulgin for our interview. He is a true visionary and have a good track record in venture capital. In order to facilitate this interview better, we have invited Anndy Lian, a futurist and book author of Blockchain Revolution 2030 to be here.

Anndy: Hi Alexander, let me say that it is a privilege for me to talk with you.

AS: It is a privilege for me also.

Anndy Lian: Thank you. Well, to begin with, many people say you are a visionary, and it is often stated that you have more than 15 years of investment and venture capital experience.

You are also often referred to as “a unique Russian composer who successfully combines creative work with business”. I believe that you currently manage GRUPPA KOMPANIY FAMILIA, which specializes in investment and venture capital in blockchain, media, publishing, and entertainment sectors. You are a founder of a worldwide consulting group, The 5 Continent Consulting Group specializing in the IT-sector, biotechnologies, digital healthcare and financial management and amongst other ventures you also founded Rasia Capital – an investment boutique focusing on Asia. I hear that you also personally invest in Blockchain infrastructure, esports and Mixed Reality.

Would you say that is a good summary of what keeps you busy at the moment?

AS: It is a very good summary Anndy, but it is not really enough, I have a lot of other activities that keep me busy. I still have more funds and of course you are right that I personally invest a lot in blockchain, in blockchain infrastructure, because I see this technology and it has a very strong and optimistic future.

Anndy: I agree with you that blockchain technology has a very bright future. That is the reason why I started advising governments on this technology. It has been fun and fruitful for me. Well since we are connected through the company Gaimin.io and Gaimin are focused on the Blockchain and the gaming industry, they must have sounded like a good fit when you first met them?

AS: Yes, very good. A perfect fit. My background is entertainment, and gaming has the largest growth in this sector. Gaming will be one of the main markets in the entertainment sector. They are like a bird’s wings, each complementing the other: Entertainment and the Blockchain. There is interdependence between them. When I met Gaimin, I thought that what we are doing is perfect synergy. And that is the reason why I have agreed to be Gaimin’s advisor.

Anndy: I did hear that the Gaimin team met you for the first time by flying out to Hong Kong in May last year and that your meeting continued on to the famous Employees Only club. What was your first impression of the guys?

AS: Time flies! It seems like I met the team not so long time ago but it is almost 18 months ago. It was a big pleasure to meet the guys, to see their young sparkling eyes, very passionate and passionate over the ideas. I felt like I had a rock and roll time.

Anndy: And so, you’ve known them for well over a year now. You’ve been watching them obviously and how they have developed, what has made you continue working with them compared to many projects that have, I am sure, been introduced to you?

AS: It’s a very good question, because when we met it was a very good time for decentralized based projects and then after the May saw a kind of crypto-winter and many of the projects, many of the teams were very disappointed, they were in despair, depressed and they were lost. Whereas this team were like a British soccer club start going faster, start going harder, they are moving through this crypto-winter, going through this, moving forward and they are brave, they are brave to go ahead, I like it, I like it. It doesn’t matter the age of the founders, 15 years old or 50 years old or 25. They must have the courage to see things through: a good finish is based on a good start. I feel that they have the ‘cojones’ for the fight.

Anndy: So how do you see this attitude will have an impact on the gaming world?

AS: It’s good because the gaming world, the gaming community is huge. Both professional gaming, and amateur gaming, the people who just have a passion for gaming, the gaming industry is growing. In the near future, I believe that everyone will somehow be involved in gaming and gamification of everything, so you can play a game and become part of the decentralized net and your computer and your gadget will become a part of this mesh, of this network. What is blockchain for me? For me it is the one and only infrastructure in the world that was built by us, by you by me by Gaimin, by everyone who is somehow involved, it’s built by us all. The infrastructure of blockchain is many times larger than Google, than Amazon, so this infrastructure is not built by governments, not by big transnational companies, it is built by us, simple humans and to be a part of the infrastructure built by humans and to be a part of this, gamers will be a big part of this of course.

Anndy: You are quoted in a recent interview as saying “Decentralized flow of data will be the next fuel to push lifestyle and industry to the next level.” What does that mean for the demands on processing power?

AS: The demand on processing power will be huge. I was just a keynote speaker in Riyadh, in Saudi at an investment forum with key global speakers, and the chairman of Samsung gave a slide presentation on how big the need for computing power would be over the next 15 years, it will be dramatic, simply dramatic. Few people in the world understand the future demand for computing power and electricity. A few months ago, I was speaking with Claudia Nemat, a member of the Deutsche Telekom Executive Board in Europe. We spoke about the European Union and our discussion centred around the fact that they have to understand how much requirement there will be for computing power and the demand there will be throughout Europe from the digital market. It’s a huge (level of) demand, let’s say 100 times more than now. I asked her where the EU will find the energy for this and she didn’t answer …… probably she was confused because it is a difficult question for the European Union. Because the demand for energy is huge, especially for green energy and there needs to be a solution. One of the solutions which Gaimin can offer to society is using passive gaming machines. Of course it’s not a total solution. Maybe it’s not enough for the whole industry but every single 1,000 of 1% will still matter. Every single penny is a part of the pound.

Anndy: How will the security of this data impact the requirements of companies in compliance and regulatory and will that be the same all over the world or be easier in some jurisdictions?

AS: Security of data is a big thing that is hype that people talk about but if people stop with ‘the talk’ and look at the blockchain more professionally they will see the millions of gadgets, the internet of things, it is unhackable, the blockchain infrastructure is unhackable, so all the data will be safe. You can also set your data settings. For me, I’m fine with my data, I have nothing to hide, I have nothing to keep a secret, ok maybe the passwords to my wallet as yet, but all my personal data, I’m fine with it. I’m open. Marshall McLuhan, a well-known Canadian philosopher said that with the global internet, we are like one global village. So it’s like ancient time in the village where we are all part of one big family, nothing to hide, no need to keep a secret. The big noise about data, well let’s look to the young generation who are the digital generation and even more so the generation after that, They can’t understand what data is private. They are open, they don’t have anything to hide. This is the open society.

Anndy: Because they know, the young people know that all the information is out there, so there is no need to hide it?

AS: Yes, and this is a healthy society. An open society, nothing to hide, a trusting society and technology with the blockchain helps make this more stable, this mood of the new generation. This decentralized generation where it will be possible to keep all this data private as much as anyone reasonable wants.

Anndy: Focusing back on energy, how does the need for clean, green energy impact on the all-embracing blockchain technology and can blockchain be de-leveraged from ecological issues?

AS: Of course. Of course! Blockchain will help a lot. Currently, there is some “noise” where a few people blame the blockchain miners. Yes, for example there are still some Chinese miners, or miners from Mongolia, even for example Kazakhstan using energy from coal, especially poor quality coal which makes a lot of pollution while burning. However, search out Google or Apple and look at how they are addressing this. Apple only a couple of months ago turned completely to green energy. Before it was using many different sources of energy. Google as I read try to be 100% green. Many technology companies do not use green energy but with the blockchain we are introducing more and more green energy, in fact all my companies, especially those that are mining are using hydra energy and the blockchain technology companies are moving towards renewable energy so that no extra energy is used and no energy is wasted and even all the heat generated or energy created is reused.

Anndy: Gaming and games has been a world very separated from the mainstream for the most part, to date, what changes can you foresee in your crystal ball?

AS: Ah yes, you are talking about gamification, correct? Yes, gamification will be everywhere. If you turn to the New Testament, Jesus told us that we have to “become like a child” ie be the child, to be like a child, what is the child, look for the child. Until they are 7 years old, they just play the game. It is so beautiful to be a child, to play the game. This perfect gift which is your life. My life is a gift, of course and I understand this and I value this gift of life. To be like a child to play the game. With the gamification of everything. To make education like a game because that is how children learn, they learn through games. Learning from stories and tales since tales are part of the game. Using your imagination is a game. To begin to imagine begins the game. In the first 6 days, when the creator created our universe, it was all part of the game. To be a creator, you have to have and use imagination and imagination is a part of gamification. Gamification is very important. We need to focus on education, health and entertainment especially with this next industrial revolution occurring. This next stage of evolution will give to us a more free life. We don’t need to survive to work 24/7, like they did 100 years ago, 200 years ago. 300 years ago people worked 7 days a week from sunrise to sunset, they had to work to survive. They had to find food, to source heat to survive and the last industrial revolution gave the people 5 working days in a week and 8 hours per day. This latest industrial revolution will introduce to 80% of the population, the concept that they don’t have to work, they can have a universal income, or any other passive income. Perhaps they play a game and by playing a game they produce data, providing them with bonuses, providing them with perhaps assets that they can exchange for other assets which they don’t need money. This typology will allow us to return to the barter style of life like an old, ancient village, which is perfect. You don’t need a 3rd party like money.

Anndy: It’s amazing what you are saying. The world becomes a global village and returns to bartering in a way made possible through gamification.

AS: Yes, people will be playing the game because playing the game will be the perfect time to produce the new oil, which will be data. The data, 85% of all global data which will enable smart cities, smart technology, decentralized energy, everything ….. 85% or more will come from entertainment. Because entertainment and games produce emotion. Emotion, this is the richest of all data, the most valuable data because all other data is unemotional data. We don’t need unemotional data. Data from the drones we don’t need, drones that fly from A to B, from B to C, we already know it, it’s pre-programmed. Any unemotional data such as from bank payments, we don’t need. It’s simply a payment. I pay for my electricity, I pay my taxes, it’s not emotional. Where do the largest emotions come from? Films, music, games! When you play games you experience many emotions; you win, you lose, lots of emotions. This is the most valuable data, the new oil!

Anndy: Fascinating. We would love to know more but time is short, so perhaps more on another occasion. To conclude with a couple of final questions, can you tell us a little bit about your involvement in the Bitcoin Association?

AS: I’m a founding partner of Bitcoin Association. It was built to propose to enterprise and to business the solutions which they need and I’m happy to be a part of the Bitcoin Association to look after entertainment and media, sport, these sectors.

Anndy: If you were making investments for your kids, or loved ones in the tech’ sector what kind of businesses and niches would you be focusing on?

AS: HappyTech. HappyTech, HappyTech, HappyTech. Any technology that makes you happy.

Anndy: I’ve never heard of that, technology that makes you happy.

AS: Well then your media will be the first to tell the news about this sector. Not only gaming and entertainment. I gave a TED talk on HappyTech 2 years ago in Hong Kong.

Anndy: Are you doing this for the love of it, or for the money?

AS: So I told you a little bit earlier, that I don’t believe in money. Soon, it will be the barter system, a better way to have a happy life. What does every parent want for their children? They want them to be happy. Not to be an economist, not to be vice chairman of the bank. When the baby is born, the parents say I wish for them to be happy. It doesn’t matter where you are, with whom you are, just to be happy. So happiness is the main thing in life. To live your life happy to reach the end of your life and to say I lived a happy life. That’s what I am doing it for.

Blockcast.cc: Hi, Alexander, with all the things that you are doing, do you have any spare time available and if so, do you have a favourite pastime or any hobbies?

AS: Jenny, I am happy that all my life what I am doing is my work. My work is my hobby, I don’t work, I live my life 24/7. I’ve been very lucky that all my life has not felt like work. It has never been that ‘I must do’, or ‘I have to do’. All my life, every single minute my work has been my life, my life has been my work and I’m very happy about that.

Blockcast.cc: To round up this interview, would you like to share a quote with our audience that has inspired you?

AS: I live with one quote that I love:


It inspires me, it motivates me to think what will happen next when there is no rain, maybe there will be rain. You need to see your future one step ahead, or ten steps ahead or 100 steps ahead.

Blockcast: Thank you for your time Alexander! It has been fascinating and much appreciated. We hope to be able to get together again in the near future, thank you once again! Thank you Anndy for facilitating too.


Media Contact:

Company: Blockcast.cc
Media Contact: Jenny Zheng
Title: Editor
Contact Number: +65 9883 2707
Email: contact@blockcast.cc
Country: South Korea

Original Source:


Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.

Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.

An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.

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Blockcast.cc是新加坡领先的区块链媒体和新闻源,旨在为行业带来全球最新的区块链新闻和见解。 Blockcast.cc于2018年在新加坡成立,并在中国,香港,韩国和马来西亚设有社区网络。创始人Jenny Zheng及其团队一直对区块链技术在游戏行业的发展特别感兴趣,并成功地为一些区块链游戏公司策划并执行了市场发展战略,涉及在线赌场,赛马,电子竞技等领域。这次在韩国的圆桌会谈上,他们与韩国本土机构和职业玩家们共同讨论行业前景并探索新的合作伙伴关系,以实现更多的游戏项目上的的合作。

(从左到右-James Kim,Park Bong Kyu,Anndy Lian,Clive Aroskin,Jenny Zheng)

在此次圆桌会议上,英国知名区块链游戏平台Gaimin.io与韩国区块链技术公司Nix Mobba成功达成合作意向,双方将在不久的未来同意探索在支付和钱包领域的合作。

Nix Mobba(www.nixblock.com)是一家始于韩国,也许遍及世界的国际化区块链技术公司,专注于区块链技术与游戏结合领域的相关服务,例如加密货币支付和数字资产管理系统。他们的首席执行官James Kim是一位成功的连续创业企业家,不仅在区块链和游戏领域颇有建树,也涉足金融和时尚等其他行业。James有丰富的创业和管理经验,擅长跨界。他近两年在电子竞技领域非常活跃,并计划在2020年组织区域性大型电子竞技活动。目前Nix Mobba在韩国和新加坡均已注册运行。

Gaimin.io(www.gaimin.io)是一家总部位于英国曼彻斯特的公司,也是一家基于区块链技术的游戏平台。该平台可让玩家的个人电脑在空闲时自动分享该电脑的GPU算力,并为游戏玩家赢得经济收益。同时,游戏玩家还可以在Gaimin平台上利用所获得的Gaimin.io代币GMRX进行购买和支付,从而减少游戏玩家的经济负担并提升他们的游戏体验。 Gaimin.io的首席运营官Clive Aroskin专门从瑞士飞到首尔,参加了此次会议。

Nixpay是Nix Mobba旗下的重要产品系列之一,通过该产品,游戏玩家可以轻松地在平台上进行数字资产与韩国法定货币 -韩元之间的兑换。 James与Clive一见如故,他们都认为Gaimin与Nixpay的合作将最大程度地提升两个产品的效率和使用体验,并可以将亚洲欧洲两个地区的游戏市场和玩家更紧密地联系在一起。

“ Nix Mobba已经成功打入韩国和中国市场,我们的技术很成熟,并且已经被证明具有商业价值。如果我们能通过Gaimin.io打通欧洲市场,那将是我们市场发展的一大飞跃。今天下午我们就已经与技术部门一起,就与Gaimin合作事项展开了研讨,我十分看好并期待此次与Gaimin的合作。” James在会后对Blockcast.cc的记者透露道。

“非常感谢Blockcast.cc和Jenny组织的此次圆桌会议。让我们遇到了潜在的地区合作伙伴Nix Mobba,我们在会上进行了许多非常有价值的讨论,我十分期待与他们一起合作。我们还结识了许多其他的韩国游戏行业的朋友,我向他们介绍了Gaimin的平台和愿景,我很高兴他们都对此表现出了极高的兴趣。我期待未来在韩国市场更多的交流和合作,也希望未来有更多的韩国朋友认识并加入我们,共同实现提升游戏市场的愿景。我很高兴此行获得了丰硕成果,目前我们的团队已经在努力与Nix Mobba和James共同准备签署正式的谅解备忘录。” Clive在会后对记者透露道, “我们与Biconomy的第三个IEO的成功为我们提供了更大的信心,并扩大了Gaimin的用户范围。而Blockcast.cc作为我们的媒体伙伴在整个过程中一直与我们紧密沟通协作,让整个过程更加顺畅。此次圆桌会议也正是因为他们的积极协调,使我们有机会与更多的韩国行业领袖会面,并促成了我们与Nix Mobba等伙伴的链接与合作,感谢他们的一路陪伴。”

(从左到右-Anndy Lian,Peter Lee,Clive Aroskin,Jenny Zheng)

“在Blockcast.cc组织的系列活动中,我遇到了许多游戏行业从业者和职业竞技选手,其中许多人对区块链很好奇,并对该技术可以为游戏行业做什么很期待。我还有幸在会上体验到了Clive笔记本电脑上的Gaimin.io挖矿插件,它很有趣并且很有潜力。感谢Blockcast.cc的邀请,他们的线下活动一直都很目标明确并非常高效,行业中应该多一些这类的有意义有价值的会找。” 韩国政府庆尚北道区块链特别委员会成员Anndy Lian在会上评论道。

圆桌会议系列是Blockcast.cc 2020年路线图的重要组成部分,旨在开展小型精准活动达成区块链行业间合作。 同时,Blockcast.cc还将在这一年里采访150位区块链行业专业人士,并在2020年推出大型行业会议”Redecentralise”。有关Blockcast.cc的更多信息,请访问www.blockcast.cc。


公司: Blockcast.cc
联系人: Jenny Zheng
职位: 编辑部
电话: +65 9883 27007
邮件: contact@blockcast.cc
官网: www.blockcast.cc
位置: 新加坡



Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.

Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.

An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.

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