28th EMBA Sharing Session: Blockchain Regulations & Polices- Decentralised, Tokenised, Commerialised

28th EMBA Sharing Session: Blockchain Regulations & Polices- Decentralised, Tokenised, Commerialised

Anndy Lian will be speaking to groups of businessmen, entrepreneurs, technologists on regulations and policy for blockchain and cryptocurrency. He will also guide them on how to commercialize their existing business using new tokenisation models and how DECENT solutions can fit nicely into what businesses need.

”Due to the coronavirus, many activities are halted. But businesses got to go on, innovations too. During this downtime, it is the best time for businesses to learn new things and develop their technological needs. I look forward to the sharing tomorrow.” Anndy Lian said.

Anndy is an intergovernmental blockchain advisor. He currently plays a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organisation committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region. He is also part of the Gyeongsangbuk-do Blockchain Special Committee, Government of Republic Korea, together with industry experts such as Brock Pierce.

Currently, he is also the CEO & Chairman, Asia for DECENT Group, an international blockchain solutions company that has been around in the market since 2015.

This is an EMBA sharing session, organised by GBHB and curated by Blockcast.cc. The session will be held on 12 March 2020, 9 to 10 pm Singapore Time.

For more information, you can reach Anndy Lian directly at www.anndy.com/contact.


Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.

Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.

An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.

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