


“对于技术的研发与商业化的落地已经成为行业发展的重要议题。在这样的大环境下,之于传统企业进入区块链行业并进行布局,已然成为推动整个区块链行业大力发展的强大动力。“日前,在韩国首尔举行的LINFINITY圆桌会议,LINFINITY与包括联合国下属亚洲生产力组织秘书长Dr. Santhi Kanoktanaporn,韩国前副总理Dr. Oh Myung,首尔大学教授Ahn Joong Ho,朝兴银行前行长Hong Serk Joo等政商界代表就区块链与传统行业的融合达成共识。

(LINFINITY CEO Anndy Lian主持圆桌会议)

圆桌会议由LINFINITY CEO Anndy Lian主持,他表示,现如今像IBM、微软、甲骨文等巨头企业已经开始布局区块链产业。比如,甲骨文最近宣布自主研发的云区块链平台积累了诸多企业用户,并在物流溯源、学历证书防伪、税务等行业开启试点应用。这些大型跨国企业的加入,将大力挖掘区块链技术在商用领域的价值。“LINFINITY目前正在打破区块链复杂化的迷思,将区块链的溯源科技用一种更加简单,更具应用价值的方式传达给我们的传统行业客户。”

(亚洲生产力组织(APO)秘书长Dr. Santhi Kanoktanaporn)

“亚洲生产力组织作为联合国亚太经社理事会相关的亚太地区组织,正在需求更多的前沿科技去解决行业痛点,提升成员国的生产力水平。“亚洲生产力组织(APO)秘书长Dr. Santhi说到,”区块链是一个潜力巨大的前沿科技,这项技术的优势势必会给诸多行业带来变革,APO目前已经设专门的部门,将区块链技术纳入了研究范围,以此来提升亚洲国家生产力水平。”


(韩国前副总理Dr. Oh Myung)

韩国政府一直对各种前沿科技保持开放的态度,对区块链对国民生产力的积极作用保持高度关注。韩国前副总理Dr. Oh Myung表示,政府要发挥好引导的职能,把行业的政策监管问题做好,为行业创造出一个健康的营商环境,才能更好的吸引更多的传统企业加入到区块链行业中去。

“我认为,就供应商链条而言,供应链金融会是区块链之于传统行业的一个重要突破,这将为行业带来前所未有的结算便利,资金的流动性便有了更多的灵活性和保证,“韩国JMK Global Corp, Global Samsung Corp主席Jang Mi Jyung表示。

(韩国JMK Global Corp, Global Samsung Corp主席Jang Mi Jyung)

区块链技术的优势虽然可以解决传统行业在信息交流方面痛点,但唯有将技术商业化,才能发挥出其本身的价值,这不仅仅需要传统企业在资金方面的支持,更需要结合实际的应用场景去解决具体的问题。我们正在不断尝试去做这件事情,希望能为更多的用户带去更加优异的体验,来自瑞典的Djenee CEO Pär Helgosson表示。

(Djenee CEO Pär Helgosson)

出席圆桌会议的还有亚洲生产力组织日本总部区块链项目负责人Joshua Lau,韩国Unis集团主席Jex Yoon,首尔Oktokki Group主席Ahn Gyeong-Hee等政商界代表,圆桌会议还就区块链的发展趋势以及通证经济的发展进行了深入讨论。

Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.

Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.

An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.

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Singapore Business Review: Fighting Counterfeits in Retail Through Blockchain with LINFINITY

Singapore Business Review: Fighting Counterfeits in Retail Through Blockchain with LINFINITY

(LINFINITY on Singapore Business Review)

“Counterfeit goods not only deceive consumers, but also bring an indelible crisis of trust to enterprises. It is obvious that traditional anti-counterfeiting means cannot meet the rapid development and demands of modern business behavior – thus, new scientific and technological means must be introduced to help traditional enterprises to mitigate the problem in this industry,” the recent release of the Singapore Business Review highlighted in the special report on LINFINITY’s latest commercial achievement.

Due to its technical sophistication, blockchain is very esoteric and difficult to understand, which discourages the majority of companies from even attempting to engage with it as a viable business platform. Knowing this, Singapore local blockchain company LINFINITY is attempting to commercialise blockchain technology, with an ongoing commitment to informing and popularising blockchain knowledge at the same time. LINFINITY CEO Anndy Lian states that, the integration of blockchain technology with traditional enterprises is not as complicated as one might initially imagine. At present, LINFINITY has been providing blockchain-based anti-counterfeiting services for Singapore healthcare company Scientific Tradition, Japanese haircare brand Herbriller and etc.

LINFINITY has recently turned its attention to the problems which arise from greater data integration between and within businesses. The information collected through traditional big data is rich in volume, but cannot solve the problem of low accuracy. LINFINITY attempts to combat this issue by revolutionizing the storing method using blockchain technology, and analyzing the data collected through IoT devices with the support of AI.

Under the premise of achieving this goal, LINFINITY has adopted a three-step strategy in its anti-counterfeiting technology:

The first phase is to effectively implement on-chaining of commodity information. LINFINITY packages relevant product information relating to a specific product and uploads it to the dedicated LINFINITY blockchain, which generates a corresponding QR code. When customers use LINFINITY DApp to scan the QR code, detailed information of the product can be queried, and guarantees the genuineness of the product scanned, as the information recorded onto the LINFINITY blockchain cannot be attacked, tampered with or influenced by any external factors in the process of circulation – due to the inherent transparency and security of blockchain technology.

(LINFINITY Informaton On-chaining)

The second phase is to achieve commodity anti-counterfeiting. Consumers can obtain commodity information by scanning the QR code behind the LINFINITY Mark, so as to confirm where, when and how (if required, and only if that information is uploaded by the product’s company) that good was produced and transferred from place to place. Customers can query the ownership of goods, effective scan times, etc., with great scope for further possibilities: this is the only way LINFINITY sees fit to use in order to realise blockchain commercialisation.

The third phase is to achieve commodity traceability. LINFINITY puts IoT and AI technology at the heart of the entire supply chain process, which not only clearly controls the logistics and warehousing of goods, but also obtains accurate feedback on the channels and terminal sales of goods so that companies can accordingly adjust the marketing strategies for their products. For consumers, when their rights are infringed by fake goods, they can use the traceability function of LINFINITY DApp to find where the problem is to protect their legitimate rights and interests. This will be the iconic achievement of continuous iterative optimisation and perfection techniques in LINFINITY’s ongoing process of blockchain commercialisation.


In a nutshell, the comprehensive business ecosystem of LINFINITY, consisting of the above three steps, attempts to solve the problem that traditional data processing cannot achieve “precision screening” to ensure that information and feedback obtained by both the enterprise and the client are deeply consistent with their potential “needs”. This is the huge potential of blockchain’s commercial value, and this is the direction LINFINITY has been moving towards.


About Singapore Business Review:

Singapore Business Review is a business magazine that is published by Charlton Media Group. It has an audited circulation of 26,000 and a readership of 83,088 readers in Singapore and regionally. The magazine covers a wide array of topics and focuses on the Singaporean business landscape. The magazine covers conferences, roundtables and events held in Singapore that are related to the business environment in Singapore.


As a credible distributed business platform underlying Blockchain, Internet of Things and Big Data technology, employing a guideline of “Internet of everything and sharing with mutual trust”, LINFINITY is a platform with reliable data, transparent information, efficient cooperation and interconnected network to cope with the practical business pain points and development demand of corporate users.

For more information about LINFINITY and their future activities, please visit or contact









Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.

Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.

An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.

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外媒 |《新加坡商业评论》:LINFINITY-区块链打假生力军

外媒 |《新加坡商业评论》:LINFINITY-区块链打假生力军


区块链由于其技术性太强的缘故,在外界看来十分深奥难懂,从而让很多企业望而却步。但文中也指出,LINFINITY在做区块链商业化的同时也一直致力于区块链通俗化的普及,CEO Anndy Lian表示:”区块链技术与传统企业相结合并不复杂,企业只需要根据自身实际情况有选择的信息上链即可。”目前已为新加坡 Scientific Tradition、日本Herbriller、台湾阿里山集团等多家知名企业品牌提供区块链防伪服务。

在第一阶段将商品信息上链。在这个过程中,LINFINITY将(Scientific Tradition或Herbriller)的相关商品信息打包上传到LINFINITY的区块链上,生成相对应的二维码,配合LINFINITY的DApp扫码验证,即可查询产品的详细信息。这些被记录在LINFINITY区块链上的商品原始信息,不会被流转过程中的任何外部因素所攻击、篡改与调用,而这仅仅只是LINFINITY综合生态的一部分。

第二阶段实现商品防伪。消费者通过扫描LINFINITY Mark后的QR码可以获得商品信息,并完成商品确权,实现商品所有权转移,和有效扫描次数查询。

第三阶段实现产品溯源。将物联网可信设备植入供应链整个流转过程中,可实现对商品进行实时追踪与控制,提供库存销量等数据,同时及时发现错误所在,促进产品质量的提高。当产品的最终客户因产品问题而利益受到损害时,借助LINFINITY Dapp可实现产品溯源,找到整个供应链条里出问题的环节。


Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.

Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.

An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.

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