

このMOUは、 2019年3月14日にサンティ・カノクタナポーンAPO事務局長とLINFINITY社のアンディ・リャンCEOが署名しました。 これに基づきAPOは、 各国の生産性本部や産業界の能力向上を通じて、 加盟国におけるブロックチェーンをベースとしたエコシステムの実現を推進していきます。

MOUを署名するLINFINITY社のアンディ・リャンCEO (写真左)とサンティ・カノクタナポーンAPO事務局長

サンティ事務局長は合意内容に触れながら、 アジア太平洋地域の生産性向上を牽引する国際機関として、 インダストリー4.0などのデジタル技術の導入を推進することにより、 加盟国・地域の生産性や競争力向上に寄与していきたいと述べました。

さらにサンティ事務局長は、 「アジア太平洋地域では、 人工知能やビッグデータ、 IoTなどのインダストリー4.0関連技術を活用してものづくりをスマートに行ないたいとする機運が高まっている。 すべてのモノ・システム・ヒトに関する情報を緊密に繋ぐインダストリー4.0にとってセキュリティの確保は非常に重要な領域だ。 分散化・デジタル化されたブロックチェーンシステムは、 従来型の産業から最先端の産業に至るまで幅広くサイバーセキュリティを強化できる可能性を持っている」とし、 この取り組みによってスマートファクトリーにおけるサイバーセキュリティの確保とデータ通信セキュリティの強化が可能になるだろうと述べました。

リャンCEOは、 LINFINITY社はブロックチェーンは複雑すぎるという誤解を解消するための活動を続けているとし、 「当社は、 ブロックチェーンが効果的に機能するようにすると同時に、 従来型産業の利用者に対し、 シンプルかつ実地に即した形でブロックチェーンによるトレーサビリティの有用性を伝えることに注力している。 APOとの合意により、 APO加盟国・地域の産業全体にブロックチェーン技術の推進と導入への道が開かれるだろう。 」と述べました。

APO (アジア生産性機構) について

APOは生産性向上を目的としたアジア太平洋地域で唯一の国際機関です。 1961年に政府間協定の締結により設立されました。 APOはシンクタンクとして、 工業、 農業、 サービス、 公共部門などの幅広い分野で政策提言を行っています。 また、 各加盟国・地域が生産性向上のために取り組む国家戦略策定を支援したり、 調査研究やセンター・オブ・エクセレンスなどの組織能力強化プログラムを通して、 アジア太平洋地域の持続可能な社会経済の発展に重要な役割を果たしています。

Source from:https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/amp/p/000000003.000040260.html

Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.

Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.

An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.

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APO signs MOU with Linfinity to help member economies adopt blockchain technology

APO signs MOU with Linfinity to help member economies adopt blockchain technology

The initiative will enable adoption of blockchain-based cybersecurity technologies and enhance data transfer security in smart factories.

Linfinity CEO Anndy Lian (L) and APO Secretary-General Dr. Santhi Kanoktanaporn signing the MOU in Tokyo.

The Asian Productivity Organization (APO) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Linfinity Co. Ltd to facilitate widespread adoption of blockchain-based cybersecurity technologies in APO member countries. The initiative will also help the APO promote digitalization and smart manufacturing in the Asia Pacific.

The MOU was signed by APO Secretary-General Dr. Santhi Kanoktanaporn and Linfinity CEO Anndy Lian in Tokyo, 14 March 2019. Under the MOU, the APO will promote blockchain ecosystems through the capacity building of national productivity organizations and industries.

Sharing details of the agreement, Secretary-General Dr. Santhi said that as a leading intergovernmental organization in the Asia-Pacific region, the APO is committed to helping member economies improve productivity and competitiveness by adopting digital technologies, including Industry 4.0 tools.

“Within the region, there is a growing willingness to make manufacturing smart through the use of artificial intelligence, big data, and the Internet of things. The hyperconnected Industry 4.0 environment also makes the security of digital assets a critical area. The decentralized, digitized, blockchain ledger system shows the potential for strengthening cybersecurity across traditional and smart industries,” Dr. Santhi stated. He noted that the initiative would enable the adoption of blockchain-based cybersecurity technologies and enhance data transfer security in smart factories.
The APO currently is working to promote and incorporate blockchain technology for smart manufacturing chains to enhance the overall productivity levels of Asian countries.

Commenting on the MOU, Lian explained that Linfinity had been working on dispelling the myth that the blockchain was too complicated. “We are focused on making it work effectively and in conveying blockchain traceability to our traditional industry customers in a simpler, more application-oriented way. The agreement with the APO will pave the way for the promotion and adoption of blockchain technologies in industries across its member countries.”

Source from: http://www.apo-tokyo.org/news/news/apo-signs-mou-with-linfinity-to-help-member-economies-adopt-blockchain-technology/

Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.

Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.

An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.

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商业 | LINFINITY将为亚洲生产力组织(APO)盟国提供防伪技术支持

商业 | LINFINITY将为亚洲生产力组织(APO)盟国提供防伪技术支持



(LINFINITY CEO Anndy Lian与APO秘书长Santhi Kanoktanaporn博士)


(LINFINITY曼谷圆桌会议APO秘书长Santhi Kanoktanaporn博士(左))

APO秘书长Santhi Kanoktanaporn博士表示,作为亚太地区领先的政府间组织,APO致力于通过采用包括工业4.0在内的高新前沿科技帮助其成员国提高生产力和竞争力。

“现如今,越来越多的企业开始将物联网、区块链、人工智能与传统制造业相结合,来构建智慧工厂。尤其是区块链凭借其去中心化特点,在工业4.0的大环境中为信息的有效传递提供重要保障。”Santhi Kanoktanaporn博士补充道,“区块链的非对称加密技术,也将在物联网大数据收集的安全性上发挥巨大作用。”

(Anndy Lian访问APO总部)

LINFINITY CEO Anndy Lian说道,“一项新技术的真正价值在于提高人类的生活质量,而提高生产力是提高人类生活质量的核心因素之一。与APO的合作对LINFINITY是一个突破,希望这种合作能使更多的政商力量联合起来,共同促进区块链技术的商业发展。”

Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.

Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.

An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.

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