Shaping the Future of DevPortals: A Think Tank on Decentralization, AI, and Beyond

Shaping the Future of DevPortals: A Think Tank on Decentralization, AI, and Beyond

The digital landscape is rapidly evolving, reshaping how we build, deploy, and interact with software. At the forefront of this revolution are DevPortals, the unsung heroes that empower developers to build the future.

But What Are Developer Portals?

Blockchain Developer Portals (DevPortals) are specialized platforms designed to provide developers with the necessary resources, documentation, and tools to interact with blockchain networks and build decentralized applications (dApps). These portals play a critical role in the blockchain ecosystem by enabling developers to integrate blockchain functionalities into their applications, deploy smart contracts, and interact with various blockchain networks.

Ethereum, Polkadot, Solana, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and Cardano are just a few of the popular blockchain networks that had their own dedicated DevPortals. Ethereum, for example, had been a cornerstone for dApp developers, offering extensive resources on smart contract languages like Solidity and tools like Truffle. Solana, on the other hand, gained traction due to its emphasis on high-speed transactions and low fees, making it ideal for DeFi applications. Polkadot’s Developer Hub stood out for its focus on interoperability, providing guidance on building parachains and custom blockchains using Substrate.

And, very recently, Shiba Inu’s Layer 2 scalability solution Shibarium joined the ranks of these innovative platforms with the launch of the ShibDev portal.

To explore the future of these crucial platforms, we’ve assembled a panel of industry luminaries. Anndy Lian, a pioneer in intergovernmental blockchain, joins forces with the forward-thinking team at Unification, and Mikko Ohtamaa, co-founder of TradingProtocol. Together, they’ll delve into the transformative potential of decentralized technologies, AI, and the metaverse.

From secure and transparent collaboration to personalized AI assistance, these experts envision a future where DevPortals are more than just repositories of code. They’ll become dynamic ecosystems that empower developers to build faster, smarter, and more inclusively.

In this Alpha Insights, we look into the challenges, opportunities, and ethical considerations that lie ahead. By understanding the future of DevPortals, we can pave the way for a new era of innovation and accessibility for all.

Decentralization: Building Trust, One Block at a Time

Lian believes that blockchain technology holds the key to unlocking a new level of trust and transparency in developer portals. “Imagine a world where every contribution is immutably recorded, and ownership is clearly defined,” he said. By leveraging blockchain’s inherent security features, developer portals can become secure havens for valuable code and data.

However, Lian acknowledged that decentralization presents its own set of hurdles. Scalability – the ability to handle a growing number of users and projects – remains a key concern. Governance, too, requires careful consideration. Decentralized models, while empowering, must be designed to prevent malicious actors from hijacking the platform.

AI: The Personalized Tutor and the Ethical Tightrope

The Unification team envisioned a future where AI assistants become indispensable companions for developers. “AI can go far beyond code suggestions,” they explained. “Imagine an AI that predicts the environmental impact of your code and suggests optimizations.” This level of personalized assistance could significantly accelerate the development process.

But Lian cautioned that the integration of AI must be approached with ethical awareness. “AI algorithms can inherit and amplify existing biases,” he warned. He highlighted that transparency in how AI makes decisions and user consent in data collection are crucial to building trust.

Interoperability: Bridging the Islands of Code

Lian advocates for open standards and protocols to enable seamless integration between different developer portals. “Think of it like building bridges between islands,” he said. This interoperability would allow developers to move freely between platforms, accessing a wealth of resources and expertise.

However, challenges like vendor lock-in and differing technical architectures must be addressed. Lian believes that a commitment to open standards and the development of adapter layers can pave the way for a truly interconnected developer ecosystem.

The Metaverse: From Virtual Hangouts to Revenue Generators

Lian sees the metaverse as more than just a place for developers to socialize. He envisioned immersive environments where developers can collaborate on debugging in real-time, manipulating 3D data structures with their hands.

Furthermore, the metaverse could unlock new revenue streams for developer portals. Virtual marketplaces for code libraries and tools, and even virtual conferences and hackathons, could generate income for both the platform and its users.

Accessibility and Inclusivity: Building a Welcoming Space for All

Lian emphasized the importance of designing developer portals that are accessible to everyone, regardless of disability. Screen reader compatibility, keyboard navigation, and adjustable font sizes are just some of the features that can make a difference.

The Unification team stressed that accessibility should not be an afterthought. “It should be baked into the initial requirements from the very beginning,” they argue. They advocate for close collaboration with diverse communities to ensure that developer portals are truly inclusive.

Emerging Technologies: Adapting to Stay Ahead

Lian believes that emerging technologies like quantum computing and augmented reality will reshape the development landscape. Developer portals must adapt by providing educational resources, investing in robust infrastructure, and implementing strong security measures.

Ohtamaa, however, offers a reminder that human expertise remains paramount. “No technology can replace the need for high-quality senior developers to craft these portals,” he says.

A Collaborative Future

The future of DevPortals is bright, but it requires a concerted effort to address the challenges and seize the opportunities. By embracing decentralization, AI, and the metaverse, while prioritizing accessibility and inclusivity, DevPortals can become powerful engines of innovation and collaboration.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, DevPortals will play a crucial role in empowering developers to build a better future. By providing the tools, resources, and community support they need, these platforms can foster creativity, collaboration, and the development of groundbreaking applications.

Want to dive deeper into the future of DevPortals? Read the full interviews at the links below.

Shaping the Future of DevPortals: An Exclusive Interview with Anndy Lian

The Future of DevPortals: An Exclusive Interview with Unification

About the Experts

Anndy Lian is a global blockchain strategist and thought leader. As an early adopter and investor, he has played pivotal roles in shaping the industry through advisory work with governments, corporations, and international organizations. His expertise is reflected in his books, Blockchain Revolution 2030 and NFT: From Zero to Hero. Currently leading digital transformation in Mongolia, Lian’s impact spans from cryptocurrency exchanges to automotive giants.

Unification (FUND) is a hybrid blockchain pioneering Web3 accessibility. It empowers both traditional enterprises and dApp developers by providing a user-friendly platform and open-source tools. It focuses on decentralization, rapid deployability, and multi-chain compatibility. We’re committed to bridging the gap between Web2 and Web3, making the decentralized world more accessible to everyone.

Mikko Ohtamaa is a seasoned blockchain expert with over 25 years of experience in software development. He has held CTO positions at numerous fintech companies and co-founded TokenMarket, a successful blockchain fundraising platform. As an early adopter of Ethereum, Mikko has deep expertise in Solidity development and auditing.

Mikko now leverages his experience to advise blockchain startups and conduct technical due diligence for DeFi projects. His extensive knowledge and hands-on experience make him a valuable asset to the industry.



Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.

Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.

An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.

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Ein System oder Netzwerk, in dem keine einzelne Einheit die Kontrolle oder die Fähigkeit hat, Entscheidungen für das gesamte System zu treffen, wäre ent-sprechend schwieriger zu manipulieren. Dieser ideale Zustand könnte Web 4.0 sein, meint Anndy Lian, der in einer neuen Dezentralisierung noch mehr Vorteile für Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen sieht.

Zwar ist der Be­ griff Web 4.0 noch nicht welt verbritet und erkann sich je nach Kontext auf unterschiedliche Dinge beziehen. „Einige Leute ver­wenden Web 4.0 jedoch für die nächste Generation des World Wide Web, die noch dezentraler wäre und sich unter anderem stärker auf künstliche Intelligenz, das semantische Web und das Internet der Dinge konzent­rieren würde“, erklärt Anndy Lian. Es würde sich durch dynamischere, autonome­re und vernetzte Systeme auszeichnen, die aus Daten lernen, miteinander kom­munizieren und sich an veränderte Umgebungen an­passen können. Es sei aber wichtig anzumerken, dass Web 4.0 eben kein offizieller Begriff und in der Branche weithin akzeptiertes Konzept ist. „Das Ausmaß, in dem es dezentraler als die aktuelle oder frühere Versionen des Webs wäre, hängt also davon ab, wie es definiert wird“, hält Lian fest.


Anndy Lian ist Gründer, Investor, Berater, Autor und Vorstandsmitglied in mehreren Unternehmen in Asien und Europa. Zudem spielte er eine führende Rolle in gemeinnützigen und regie­rungsnahen Organisationen, wo er mit Entscheidungsträ­gern und Experten zusam­menarbeitete, um Geschäfts­vorschläge für verschiedene.

Branchen zu entwickeln. Im vergangenen Jahr verlieh ihm der Akademische Rat der Ulaanbaatar Erdem Univer­sität in Anerkennung seines Beitrags zur Entwicklung der Produktivitätswissenschaft in der Mongolei die Ehren­doktorwürde. Laut Lian ist die Idee hinter Web 4.0, ein stärker dezentralisiertes und autonomes Web zu schaffen, das direktere Interaktionen zwischen Nutzern und Ge­räten ermöglicht, ohne dass Vermittler notwendig sind. „Dies könnte den Einsatz dezentraler Technologien wie Blockchain, Peer­to­Peer­Netzwerke und verteilte Systeme beinhalten, um neue Formen von Online­Interaktionen und ­Diensten zu ermöglichen, die nicht von zentralisierten Instanzen kontrolliert werden“, führt er aus. Darüber hinaus könnte Web 4.0 auch einen stärkeren Fokus auf künstliche Intelli­genz (KI) und maschinelles Lernen legen, um sich im Laufe der Zeit verbessern zu können.


Zu den Vorteilen eines stärker dezentralisierten Webs gehören Lian zufolge zunächst die größere Sicher­heit und der bessere Daten­schutz, da die Nutzer mehr Kontrolle über ihre Daten und Online­Interaktionen haben. Außerdem offenere und transparentere Systeme, da es keinen zentralen Kontroll­ oder Fehlerpunkt gibt. Vorteilhaft seien auch die stärkere Widerstands­fähigkeit und die Robust­heit, da das Netz auch dann weiter funktionieren kann, wenn Teile davon ausfallen.

Darüber hinaus gebe es mehr Innovation und Wettbewerb, da es weniger Hindernisse für den Eintritt neuer Akteure gibt. In Web 4.0, das auf den dezentralen Technologien von Web 3.0 aufbaut, sei die Benutzererfahrung gestrafft und reibungslos, wobei die zugrunde liegenden techni­schen Details wegfallen. „Das bedeutet, dass sich die Nut­zer keine Gedanken über die verwendete Blockchain, die Feinheiten von ZK­Roll­ups oder das richtige Gaslimit für Transaktionen machen müssen“, erläutert Lian. Die Gaskriege und Transaktions­gebühren des derzeitigen Web 3.0 würden dann der Vergangenheit angehören. Darüber hinaus habe Web 4.0 das Potenzial, eine zirkuläre Kryptowirtschaft zu schaffen, die physische und digitale Grenzen überschreitet und die Notwendigkeit von Ein­ und Ausstiegsrampen für Fiatwährungen überflüssig macht. „Dies wäre ein be­deutender Einschnitt in das derzeitige Finanzsystem.“


Es gibt noch andere Inter­pretationen des Web4, wie z. B. das „symbiotische Web“, das sich auf eine symbioti­sche Beziehung zwischen Menschen und Maschinen bezieht, möglicherweise sogar unter Verwendung direkter Gehirn­Maschinen­Schnittstellen. Insgesamt ist der Übergang von Web1 zu Web2 und nun von Web3 zu.

Web4 insofern ähnlich, als es sich um einen allmäh­lichen Prozess handelt, der neue Türen öffnet und mehr Menschen zur Teilnahme einlädt. Während Web3 noch in den Kinderschuhen steckt und als experimentell gilt, wird erwartet, dass Web4 zugänglicher und benutzer­freundlicher wird, sodass es von der breiten Öffentlichkeit stärker angenommen wird.


Das Web 4.0 bietet eine Fülle von Möglichkeiten für Unternehmen und Einzel­personen. Das symbiotische Web wird die Schaffung personalisierter Erfahrungen ermöglichen, sodass die Unternehmen ihre Kunden besser verstehen und maßge­schneiderte Inhalte anbieten können.
KI­gestützte Automatisie­rung wird die Effizienz steigern, die Markteinfüh­rung beschleunigen und die Kosten senken, was den Unternehmen einen Wett­bewerbsvorteil und einen besseren Kundenservice verschafft.

Die Kombination von Hardware, Software und Daten wird die Entwicklung neuer Produkte und Dienst­leistungen ermöglichen, z. B. vernetzte Geräte, die mit den Nutzern interagieren und Daten zur Personalisierung sammeln.

Das Web 4.0 eröffnet auch neue Einnahmequellen, wie zielgerichtete Werbung oder Abonnementdienste, die die gesammelten Daten nutzen. Darüber hinaus werden VR­ und AR­Anwendungen neue Möglichkeiten für Unterneh­men eröffnen, mit Kunden in Kontakt zu treten, z. B. durch die Entwicklung einer AR­Anwendung, die es Kunden ermöglicht, mit Produkten in einem 3D­Raum zu inter­agieren.



Full PDF: Jetstream_2023-02_Gesamt

Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.

Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.

An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.

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Anndy Lian on decentralization and the potential impact of Web4

Anndy Lian on decentralization and the potential impact of Web4

In this interview, Anndy Lian discusses Web4 and its potential societal impact. He explores the evolving relationship between decentralization and artificial intelligence, the role of governments in a Web4 world and offers advice on navigating this emerging landscape.

In this interview, we cover:

  • Discover Anndy Lian’s vision for Web4, an intelligent and autonomous web that promises to revolutionize digital governance and create new business models.
  • Learn about the exciting intersection of Web4 and AI, which could lead to increased efficiency, better decision-making, and improved user experiences.
  • Delve into the potential use cases for blockchain technology in a decentralized Web4 world, such as DeFi, digital identity management, and supply chain management.
  • Gain insight into the evolving role of governments in a decentralized Web4 world and the challenges they face in striking the right balance between innovation and protection.
  • Learn how individuals and businesses can best navigate the rapidly changing landscape of decentralization and Web4, positioning themselves for success in this groundbreaking era.

Interview with Anndy Lian, Mongolian Productivity Organization Chief Digital Advisor

Q: Hi Anndy, can you give an introduction of yourself?

Hello, I’m Anndy Lian, an early crypto guy who has been involved in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry since its early days. I have over 15 years of experience in the technology industry, and I was one of the earlier few individuals to interact with the government on crypto-related matters in Asia.

I have worked with several government agencies and regulators, providing my expertise on blockchain and cryptocurrency regulations. My early involvement with the government helped shape the regulatory landscape of the industry and allowed me to play a significant role in driving the adoption of blockchain technology. I am also a published author and have written several books on blockchain and its potential impact on various industries. I am a regular speaker at international conferences and events, sharing my insights on the latest developments in technology and blockchain.

In addition to my professional work, I am actively involved in the startup community and serve as an advisor and investor to several blockchain and technology startups. I am passionate about leveraging technology to drive innovation and create positive change in the world.

Q: Can you explain what decentralization is and why it’s important?

Decentralization refers to the distribution of power and decision-making authority away from a central authority or entity, and towards a more distributed network of participants. In the context of blockchain technology, decentralization means that there is no single point of control or failure in the network. This is important because it reduces the risk of censorship, fraud, and corruption, and promotes greater transparency and accountability.

Q: How do you see Web4 evolving from Web3, and what do you think will be the key differences?

Web4 is still a nascent concept, but it’s expected to build on the principles of Web3 and take them further. While Web3 focused on decentralization and the creation of a more peer-to-peer web, Web4 is likely to focus on creating a more intelligent and autonomous web that is able to make decisions on behalf of users. This will require a greater degree of interoperability between different blockchain protocols and systems, as well as the development of advanced AI and machine learning algorithms.

Q: What impact do you think Web4 will have on society and the economy?

The impact of Web4 on society and the economy is likely to be significant. It will enable the creation of new decentralized applications and platforms that are more intelligent, autonomous, and efficient. This could lead to new forms of digital governance, new business models, and new ways of organizing and collaborating. However, it’s also likely to pose new challenges, such as the need for new regulatory frameworks to govern the use of AI and machine learning, and the potential for new forms of inequality and exclusion.

Q: How do you see the relationship between Web4 and artificial intelligence (AI) evolving, and what are some potential benefits and risks of this relationship?

Web4 and AI are likely to become increasingly intertwined, with AI playing a critical role in creating more intelligent and autonomous decentralized systems. Some potential benefits of this relationship include increased efficiency, better decision-making, and improved user experience. However, there are also potential risks, such as the potential for AI to perpetuate biases and discrimination, and the need for new regulatory frameworks to govern the use of AI in decentralized systems.

Q: What are some of the key use cases for blockchain technology in a decentralized Web4 world?

Blockchain technology has many potential use cases in a decentralized Web4 world. Some examples include decentralized finance (DeFi), digital identity management, supply chain management, voting and governance systems, and content distribution. By leveraging the unique features of blockchain, such as immutability, transparency, and security, these applications can be more efficient, secure, and trustworthy than their centralized counterparts and the current Web3.

Q: How do you think governments and regulators will respond to the rise of Web4 and decentralized technologies more broadly?

Governments and regulators are already grappling with the rise of decentralized technologies, and this is likely to continue as Web4 becomes more mainstream. There is a need for greater collaboration and dialogue between the public and private sectors to ensure that the benefits of these technologies are maximized, while also addressing any potential risks or negative externalities. It’s important to strike the right balance between promoting innovation and protecting consumers and society as a whole.

Q: How do you envision the role of government in a decentralized Web4 world, and what are some of the key challenges that need to be addressed?

The role of government in a decentralized Web4 world is a complex and evolving issue. On the one hand, governments will need to adapt to the new decentralized paradigm, which could lead to new forms of digital governance and regulation. On the other hand, governments will need to balance the need for innovation with the need to protect consumers and society as a whole. Some of the key challenges that need to be addressed include the development of new regulatory frameworks, the management of data privacy and security, and the need for greater collaboration and dialogue between the public and private sectors.

Q: How do you see the relationship between decentralized and centralized systems evolving, and what are some potential benefits and risks of this relationship?

The relationship between decentralized and centralized systems is likely to be complex and multifaceted. While decentralized systems offer many benefits, such as greater transparency, security, and efficiency, there are also some areas where centralized systems may be more appropriate. For example, centralized systems may be better suited for certain types of data processing and decision-making. The key is to strike the right balance between decentralized and centralized systems, based on the specific needs of each application and use case.

Q: How can individuals and businesses best navigate the evolving landscape of decentralization and Web4?

To navigate the evolving landscape of decentralization and Web4, individuals and businesses need to be proactive, adaptable, and forward-thinking. This means staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the field, investing in new technologies and skill sets, and being aware of the potential risks and challenges. It also means engaging with other experts and thought leaders, and being willing to experiment and innovate. By taking a proactive and collaborative approach, individuals and businesses can position themselves for success in the decentralized Web4 era.



Anndy Lian is an early blockchain adopter and experienced serial entrepreneur who is known for his work in the government sector. He is a best selling book author- “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030”.

Currently, he is appointed as the Chief Digital Advisor at Mongolia Productivity Organization, championing national digitization. Prior to his current appointments, he was the Chairman of BigONE Exchange, a global top 30 ranked crypto spot exchange and was also the Advisory Board Member for Hyundai DAC, the blockchain arm of South Korea’s largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Group. Lian played a pivotal role as the Blockchain Advisor for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.

An avid supporter of incubating start-ups, Anndy has also been a private investor for the past eight years. With a growth investment mindset, Anndy strategically demonstrates this in the companies he chooses to be involved with. He believes that what he is doing through blockchain technology currently will revolutionise and redefine traditional businesses. He also believes that the blockchain industry has to be “redecentralised”.

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